Coloban version 0.17.3 is available!

New: New shiny calendar look for you; Updated: Getting better look for tasks; Multiple minor improvements and changes; Fixed: Skipping the completed tasks in Eisenhower Matrix; Allowing to unset the task from ‘Done’;

Coloban version 0.17.1/0.17.2 is available!

New: Adding Sidebar to the Coloban intro website; Adding Pricing page to the Coloban intro website; Updated: Mini sidebar layout is updated; Showing Eisenhower matrix tasks only assigned or related to user; Fixed: Removing Quick tour from Confirmation page;

New ARM-based Apple computers

We are sad to announce that, as of now, desktop version of Coloban is not supported on the new ARM based Apple computers. Versions for other platforms are still working fine and iOS arm version is working fine as well: We are currently working on bringing that compatibility to life, but that most likely… Continue reading New ARM-based Apple computers

Coloban version 0.16.3 is available!

(Includes versions 0.16.0 – 0.16.3) New: New topic Mute selector; Removing the naming in the left narrow navigation for better understandability; Adding tab Unread for better layout navigation; Adding friendlier access selection on New Chat Topic creation; Updated: Core libraries are upgraded for better stability and security; Topic creator is updated visually; Titles upgraded for… Continue reading Coloban version 0.16.3 is available!

Coloban version 0.15.11 is available!

New: New layout for the selections; Project title is added; Updated: Chat titles updated; Removing ‘Open’ chat button as it’s not obvious on a screen anyway; Notifications are changes in the Chat Params; Topic Creator is visually updated in Chat Params; Multiple minor visual improvements;

Coloban version 0.15.0/0.15.1 is available!

New: Project stats: new statistics for your TODOs to manage the tasks easier; Updated: Circles and teams renamed to Projects for better consistency throughout the app; Core libraries are updated; Multiple improvements; Adding Crucial tab in Kanban to show the important tasks as well; Removing the initial loading screen to load Chats and Tasks faster;… Continue reading Coloban version 0.15.0/0.15.1 is available!

Coloban version 0.14.4 is available!

New: New topic adder screen: better, faster, lighter 🙂 Adding Crucial for Kanban to see all important tasks right away; Updated: Massive improvement in calls stability; Core libraries upgraded; Contacts showing for all projects at least for now; Fixed: Removing extra Unread indicator; Fixed non-responsive tasks sidebar on Chat topic select; Multiple fixes and improvements;… Continue reading Coloban version 0.14.4 is available!

Coloban version 0.14.3 is available!

New: Adding avatar to chat toolbar; Adding online badge to Chat’s avatar; Updated: Improving the Audio and Video Calls stability; Applying dark calling screen; Fixed: Improving the layout height distribution on mobile browsers; Not showing screen share button when Making calls on mobile browsers; Fixed infinite load when not enough messages loaded;